San Rafael Clean Business Program
Take the Clean Business Pledge
- I pledge to keep my business clean and free from debris, including my landscaping, sidewalks, and public area surrounding my business.
- I pledge to have adequate trash, recycling bins and pick-up for my business functions and customers.
- I pledge to educate my employees about proper disposal of trash and the need for a clean business, and provide ample options for disposal of trash, including cigarette butts. I pledge to know and follow all city codes with regard to my business.
- I pledge to acknowledge my participation as a Clean Business to my employees, business partners, customers, and the general public by my efforts to keep my business clean and display the San Rafael Clean Business window decal.
Fill out and submit the form below to register your Clean Business. We will send you the decal and be in touch about resources to support your efforts. Business with storefronts, we will be in touch to deliver your litter grabber. Thank you for taking the pledge and for having pride in our community!